Russian Fishing 4 Coordinated Maps
Hey guys, so I recently noticed that that hotspot or waterbody section in the RF4 forums once used to be coordinated maps are not there anymore. Check for yourself,
So I was unaware of this site at the time of making these maps. But if you wish to search for the coordinates for a certain waterbody, you can do so here.
So I took the time to travel around each of the water bodies to gather information based on coordinates and map sector. So what this helps with for example. Someone gives you said coords for an active spot, but don't tell you the map sector. Now this part can become over whelming. I know it does for me. Like look at Amber for an example. The map is huge and its cool in to gotten the coordinates for said spot but you didn't get a map sector. This can become hard to find unless your really well coordinated in which way to go base on the coords. So these maps provided are downloadable, You can use these at anytime.
Please note that Ladoga Archipelago will be updated on a weekly basis as trolling routes instead.
Also this page is still being worked on. Some maps are not added yet.
Also I have added color areas around the maps too So if your looking for a spot to shore fish. Then this will help figure where you can stand and can't stand. Also for the rivers, the map will show which way the the current is flowing
Green means you can shore fish
Red means that you cannot shore fish
Blue lines on the rivers is direction of current
Waterbody Maps