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Welcome Russian Fishing 4 Players

Hey guys, this website has been created with you all in mind. I decided to take time off and wanted to make a website that will be as helpful as possible. So this website is designed mainly for Russian Fishing  4. This site will help provide you with the best spots and gear for a specific fish. Each week, I will take the time to edit this information based on new hotspots for each different fish. I will monitor youtube, RF4 discord and of course my own findings. I hope that you guys will find this site helpful. This site I have decided to make will help you. I know that sometime rf4 discord can be over whelming with some of it's members and sometime you will get the run around. Either look in trophies or VK. Sometimes we just need to help one of another. 

Couple of changes made based on inactivity from the YouTubers and the coordinated maps.

I have removed Youtubers and Coordinated maps from the site. However below you still can quickly access the official interactive maps from RF4 admins themselves. 


New page added to the site, The tutorial pond

New link added to the site, Interactive Map

New button added in top left corner. Mech Shop


Created by DTGaming_Youtube/Dtormala83

Proudly created for the players of Russian Fishing 4

Created using Wix Editor.

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